Karma: an uncomfortable word…

Karma: an uncomfortable word…

You know what word I don’t care for? Karma. A word thrown around quite a bit in an off handed way of wishing another consequences for a perceived egregious act or behavior. The “what goes around comes around” statement gives the illusion that the ill will is part of a grand plan versus a wish for some sort of deserved punishment.

It’s always been a term that has made me uncomfortable, but the overuse on social media has brought my feelings to a higher level. I know full well what it’s like to feel as if someone has done me or someone I love wrong. I certainly can also understand that it is extremely difficult to forgive as we are commanded to do by God. Nonetheless, that is quite simply the command. The command is not to forgive after karma bites the other person in the “…” and you feel vindicated for your pain.

If we are sitting around waiting and hoping for karma to strike, we are holding onto feelings that serve us no purpose. Smirking at the consequences of someone else’s character flaws and indiscretions in no way elevates our grace. Is it difficult to forgive, or at least pray for those who’ve hurt us? Of course, but the whole point of this life is live it in such a way that we can celebrate in the next. Offering prayer and forgiveness helps put us on the path to celebrate in the right place some glorious day.

It would serve everyone well to remember that it’s not “karma” that serves up justice, it is God. He alone will decide what comes around and what goes around dependent upon our free will actions and non-actions. He alone understands the depths of our motivations. We don’t see or even begin to comprehend what incites a poor decision or even an intentional hurtful act from another human being. We also have no idea how impacted a person is by their own poor choices, nor do we understand the level of their remorse. We need to stop waiting for karma to act on what we believe should be accountable behavior, and instead pray that the person in question comes to God and finds the inner peace and calling to right the error of their ways by the grace they receive.

In a world full of conflict and disingenuous compliments and tidings, be the person who has enough faith in God to leave judgment to Him. Imagine if we all stopped for one moment and collectively and sincerely prayed for one another, friend and foe. In an instant, we could turn this horrid world around, our own thought process and internal angst washed clean, and the eyes of the lost opened to the grace of God’s love.

I would love to sign into social media one day and instead of seeing a snarky comment about karma catching up to someone, seeing a heartfelt post asking for prayers for an individual who could use God’s forgiveness. We need to put an effort into not being a part of the ugly in this world and instead to be brave enough to humble ourselves to God and step out of our comfort zone to serve Him. The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and speaking from recent experience in trying to change the way I think, it truly does feel better inside than holding onto anger.

Here’s to God giving us what we need to feed our souls as we pray for those who are in need of His peace.

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