A Cross to Bear…

A Cross to Bear…

Did you ever look at someone and think, “wow, they’ve got it all, not a care in the world”? Maybe even a little shot of envy creeps into your thoughts as you assume they’ve conquered life and managed to avoid the trials and tribulations that seem to continually seep into your own. I think if we are all honest with ourselves, we would admit that we’ve been guilty of doing this on at least one occasion, probably more.

The truth is though, we all have our crosses to bear. Whether it be something we can easily see, or more than likely a less visible battle that lies within, safely tucked away from prying eyes. There is not one soul on this planet that can entirely escape the challenges of life.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. So many people struggling to find their footing under a barrage of waves that keep knocking them down. I often feel like one of these people and I know how exhausting both emotionally and physically it becomes; I feel for those I see going through similar challenges. I also try to remind myself that although ‘the hits keep coming’ so obviously for some, sometimes the biggest smiles hide the most uncomfortable demons for others. Yes, having your problems on display so to speak, is not something anyone would wish for, but at least visible turmoil allows those around you to see when you need to be picked up and hugged. Those suffering internally do so alone.

When I say we all have our crosses to bear, I truly believe that to be the case, and I oddly take comfort from it being so. Jesus carried the heaviest cross of us all, alone and on display for all to see. He showed us how to do it with dignity, faith, and love. Love for even those who mocked Him. He set the example that we must follow, to follow Him. Do I wish my life was smooth sailing day in and day out? Of course I do, who doesn’t? But honestly, during those times when my life has been uneventful and easy, I admit I was the least aware of God’s presence. Not because He wasn’t there, but because I felt no need to look for Him.

In contrast, when my load is heaviest I feel His arms around me. It’s true and to some perhaps it doesn’t make sense, but to me that is when I find myself able to feel His comfort and to hear His voice. How sad that I need to be uncomfortable to acknowledge Him fully, but sometimes that appears to be the case. Shameful, but it’s my truth and maybe that too is part of the cross I bear.

Why am I writing this today? Because life is difficult, but I truly believe that if we embrace our hardships and lean on God, we will see the way to persevere in a world that has lost its way. I’ve even begun to pray for strength rather than a clear path, which is something I have never done before. If I have strength, then I can bear the weight of the cross, no matter how heavy it becomes, or how long it lingers. Strength and faith are the key to inner happiness and confidence in what will be.

So, for those whose cross is exceptionally heavy right now, don’t lose hope. As hard as it may be, try to take this moment of pain and discomfort to remember you are not forgotten, He is always with you. There, waiting and longing for you to hear Him, seek Him, and allow Him to comfort you. You don’t have to carry your cross alone.

God bless us all and lead us on a journey that ends in glory, no matter how rocky the path may be…

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